Finished school. Check.
Found a job. Check.
Rented an apartment. Check.
The next step is often overlooked, but is one of the most important in your present situation and your future outlook. Insurance.
Insurance takes many forms, but for the moment we're going to look at Renters insurance because it's probably the first one you need (but don't already have through Mom & Dad).
Renters insurance covers two things, your property and your liability. Property consists of your couch (or futon if you are like I was), television, clothing and whatever other possessions you have in your apartment. Insurance will help you replace all of it in case it's damaged by things like water and fire, or if it's stolen. Trust me, it's not fun to have been robbed and then, to add insult to injury, you have to pay out of your own pocket to replace your TV and stereo.
Liability is the other part of insurance that protects you from lawsuits alleging bodily injury or property damage. For instance, you can be held responsible if someone injures themselves while in your apartment, or just knocking on your door. And in most apartments you're either above or below another unit. What happens if you leave the faucet on in your sink and the water overflows? There is a good chance that the downstairs apartment is damaged. Now you're responsible for fixing not only your own apartment, but the downstairs neighbor as well. Insurance will help you defend you against these claims.
There are others coverages to explore, but for now this is a good start.
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