Travel insurance takes many forms and has many variations, so how do you know which one is right for you? Not to throw more questions at you than answers, but the answer is "it depends." You need to ask yourself a couple of questions first....
-What am I spending on the trip?
-Is any of the cost of the trip refundable?
-Are we going somewhere with access to decent medical care?
-Do I need coverage for my belongings?
-What happens if I have a pre-existing condition.
Here's an article from the New York Times that hits on these points and more.
I work with a company called Travel Guard that has customizable solutions for whatever you want. The cost ranges from about 4% of the trip cost to 25%. Please note that if you buy this through a travel agent, they will probably give you a comprehensive option that has a whole lot more add-ins than you want or need.
Call me if you have questions.
Travel insurance is basically useful for the one who do lots of travel means who is basically indulged in moving activities from one place top another. For those who just travel once in a year don't have to make out this policy as it will be a pure waste of money.