Most insurance carriers will reimburse you if your electronic equipment is damaged from a lightning strike. The carrier will probably ask for confirmation of lightning from another source such as your computer or tv repairman or electrician.
There can also be damage from a power surge - a surge of power sent through when your electricity has been out or interrupted and then restored. The overload of momentary power can also blow out your electronics such as your computer or tv just as a lightning strike can. Damage from a power surge is not necessarily covered by your homeowners or renter's insurance. Talk to your agent to determine if you do have coverage for this.
You can prevent a power surge from damaging your personal property by unplugging the items if you lose power. This way, when the power returns, the surge won't go through your equipment. You can safely plug the items back in after the electricity is back on.
And remember, if you lose your power, it's safer to use flashlights than candles!!!
As always, contact us if you have any further questions.
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