A common option on most auto insurance policies is something called "rental reimbursement" or "extended transportation expense". Basically they help pay for a rental car should you not be able to use your own car. Typically the coverage is for 30 days, and the policy will give you a per day allotment ($30 or $40).
However, that doesn't mean you always get up to 30 days to rent a car when you don't have access to your own. If you car is totalled in an accident you may have as few as five days of rental coverage before you're on your own.
Think about it, you've just been in an accident that damaged your car so much that the insurance company has deemed it a total loss. You reported the claim, waited for the adjuster to make his decision and then realized you needed to start car shopping. The clock is running.
This probably differs from company to company, but just be aware that you probably don't have a lot of time to make a decision.
Ask your agent for more information on your specific policy because you might be surprised.
Yes if you ask agents about details then you will come to know many useful and important facts about insurance policy that you were unaware of and these facts help you to make a intelligent decision about buying auto insurance